Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
You can test multiple technologies, web, mobile (Android and iOS) and desktop applications.
suittest can be integrated with multiple applications: Jira Xray, Azure DevOps, Jenkins, Pega Agile Studio,
TestLink, SoapUI, REST, and multiple CI/CD tools. Multiple Mobile farms as SauceLabs, Browserstack and Lambda Test.
suittest has its own api, which will allow you to integrate it with additional tools.
Also, suittest permit integrate your test with multiple Database technologies as SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL,
MongoDB and PostgreSQL and Webservices and SOAP, SoapUI and REST Api's.
You can do since front-end to back-end testing, can create test cases, test plans, E2E tests, regressions, and
business workflows across multiple systems and multiple environments. Can make performance and manual
testing Also.
To do a maintenance of the tests with suittest, as a good practice it is recommended to perform the tests using Keywords,
if you are using keywords, modifying a single Keyword you can automatically fix thousands of tests.
Automated testing is an easy task with suittest,
With Debug Mode you can interact directly with the application with Screen Mapping and all the operations you perform are recorded at the same time.
You can also use Screenshot Record to interact with the application with a preview of the application from suittest to record the operations.
Later with more advanced tests you can start to reuse these operations with Keywords and the tests will be created much faster.
Exactly, you can run a battery of tests in conjunction with suittest, we simply do this with RunSuites, creating a RunSuite,
we choose the tests we want to run in batch, and finally we assign the relevant rules that we want in the execution.
What is a software testing automation tool?
A software testing automation tool is....