Debug and Record Mode

  • Getting Started

Debug and Record Mode

The Debug and Record Mode Feature allows the user to create in real time a test using the application under test

Debug & Record Mode

Debug And Record Mode

The Debug requires the Runner for the logged user to be in the ONLINE state

Note: While a Debug session is active, the user can't execute tests on the same runner

You have to select the start button to start a runner section:

Debug & Record Mode suittest Menu

After a couple of seconds the following features will be available:

Debug & Record Mode suittest Menu
  • Back To Test: To return to the test where the Debug Mode is located. Note: if we exit the session it will remain active
  • End Session: Ends the current Debug Session
  • Refresh: Refreshes the screenshot of the opened application
  • Size: Toggles the size of the screenshot
  • Show/Hide Logs: Toggles the disply of the session logs
  • Start Record: Starts the record feature
  • Run: to start running the test

First we have to select the Run button > Run Test, to execute the Launch operation that we created

After that our application will be launched and we can start selecting Start Record, with our desired option: Screenshot Record or Screen Mapping

Automate test with Debug And Record Mode

Debug contains a Record feature where the user can simulate actions, to star record actions

Debug also allows to insert a brand new step, even allowing to execute it before adding to the test

For zone mapping, the user can select an area and all objects inside will be mapped

When a step is generated using the Record feature, the object will also be generated, unless it already exists, in that scenario, it will use the existing object

When new steps are created, they are placed in a temporary list, where the user can choose which ones to add to the test

Screenshot Record

For Screenshot record, a screenshot preview of the application is displayed, and can be interacted with to simulate actions:

suittest Automation Screenshot Record


If you perform an operation the operations will be recorded in the Sandbox (the box below)

  • Selecting the three dots icon we will be able to add the operation to the test
suittest Run automated step
  • If you click the the three dots icon above you can add all the operations together
  • You can continue adding operations, running the test again and also running in the step that we can to start to the step that we want to stop

For Screen mapping, the user can interact with the application and the steps will be automatically added to the Debug

  • Screen mapping is only available with Web Applications


  • To ensure best results, recreate the steps slowly to give time for the Debug session to correctly load them
  • It is recommended that, for best results, the Screen record to be used with two monitors (keeping the application under test isolated, as not to "missclick" when not needed)

Next steps: Test resources & Execute automated tests